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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

101 Happy People Project #4

So this one was simple. My FAVORITE (geography)teacher Mrs Maygren, has been out for like 2 weeks in the hospital, and so today she came back, and I brought her flowers from my garden and a note saying: Welcome back! We missed you! Love you Mrs Maygren!!!
Her face lit up so brightly I needed sunglasses. :)

Monday, April 9, 2012

101 Happy People Project #3

In the morning in my school cafeteria my friend Jillian and I paid for the next person in line's (random person's) breakfast! You should've seen the look on the lunch lady's face! Love it!!!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Smile poem :)

Found this in a chicken soup book.
Love it!!!
:) here you go:
A poem called "Smile":
"She smiled at a sorrowful stranger.
The smile seemed to make him feel better.
He remembered the past kindness of a friend.
and wrote a thank-you letter.
The friend was so pleased with the thank-you
that he left a large tip after lunch.
The waitress, surprised by the size of the tip,
bet the whole thing on a hunch.
The next day she picked up her winnings,
and gave part to a man on a street.
The man on the street was grateful;
for two days he'd had nothing to eat.
After he finished his dinner,
he left for his small dingy room.
(He didn't know at that moment
that he might be facing his doom.)
On the way he picked up a shivering puppy
and took him home to get warm.
The puppy was very grateful
to be in out of the storm.
That night the house caught on fire.
The puppy barked the alarm.
He barked 'til he woke the whole household
and saved everybody from harm.
One of the boys that he rescued
grew up to be President.
All this because of a simple smile
that hadn't cost a cent

Thursday, March 8, 2012

101 Happy People Project #2

So excited! I did my second 101 happy people project today! I especially loved this one because I was able to do it anonymously! We got two dollars and a post it note and stuck it to the vending machine at my high school. We wrote, "Here you go. Have a great day! :)" on it. It was hidden so that you could only see it of you bent over to type in the numbers for you food item.
So we went back to the cafeteria and waited by a window. Person after person walked by it, each time faking us out, until this girl and her friend found it. Their faces were priceless! They totally lit up and got HUGE smiles on their faces! They just made my day!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

101 Happy People Project #1

Okay, so I am so excited! I finally got around to starting my 101 happy people project. This is how i keep the dollar bills on me at all times... With my phone! and it began with girl scout cookies! Thin mints to be exact! :)
So we were at the grocery store and decided to buy a box and wait for the 'perfect' person to walk through the door. Person after person walked by and we couldn't decide. after a while we decided to just give it to anybody, but the next two people who came out both said they couldnt eat sugar! It was getting harder then we thought to give away free cookies!
Finally we saw an oriental lady picking up plastic bottles in front, walking towards us! We could tell she didn't speak English, or not very well. We walked up to her and handed it to her and said, "Would you like some cookies for free?"
Her eyes lighting up were priceless. She looked at me so warmly. I can't get that moment out of my mind! Love it! Anyway, that wasn't even the best part! She smiled. And her smile was BEAUTIFUL! And the thing that got me was that, it wasn't a #1 dentist favorite smile, she had missing and rotting teeth. But it somehow was still beautiful. :D
Wow, this left me feeling SO good! I seriously love serving people!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Surprising facts YOU didn't know about FACEBOOK

-More than 400 million active users
-50% of our active users log on to Facebook in any given day
-More than 35 million users update their status each day
-More than 60 million status updates posted each day
-More than 3 billion photos uploaded to the site each month
-More than 5 billion pieces of content (web links, news stories, blog posts, notes, photo albums, etc.) shared each week
-More than 3.5 million events created each month
-More than 3 million active Pages on Facebook
-More than 1.5 million local businesses have active Pages on Facebook
-More than 20 million people become fans of Pages each day
-Pages have created more than 5.3 billion fans

Average User:

-Average user has 130 friends on the site (this was especially surprising since I have over 600)
-Average user sends 8 friend requests per month Average user spends more than 55 minutes per day on Facebook
-Average user clicks the Like button on 9 pieces of content each month
-Average user writes 25 comments on Facebook content each month
-Average user becomes a fan of 4 Pages each month
-Average user is invited to 3 events per month
-Average user is a member of 13 groups International Growth
-More than 70 translations available on the site
-About 70% of Facebook users are outside the United States
-Over 300,000 users helped translate the site through the translations application


-More than one million developers and entrepreneurs from more than 180 countries
-Every month, more than 70% of Facebook users engage with Platform applications
-More than 500,000 active applications currently on Facebook Platform
-More than 250 applications have more than one million monthly active users
-More than 80,000 websites have implemented Facebook Connect since its general availability in December 2008
-More than 60 million Facebook users engage with Facebook Connect on external websites every month
Two-thirds of comScore’s U.S. Top 100 websites and half of comScore’s Global Top 100 websites have implemented Facebook Connect Mobile
-There are more than 100 million active users currently accessing Facebook through their mobile devices.
-People that use Facebook on their mobile devices are twice more active on Facebook than non-mobile users.
-There are more than 200 mobile operators in 60 countries working to deploy and promote Facebook mobile products

Here's the Facebook logo:

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


I love this Earth!
K, dont want to freak you out thinking I'm some crazy earth freak but this pic is GORGOUS! I saw a glimpse of this out of my window, and literally RAN outside with my phone to take a picture! I see this and think, wow. God truly loves us. A lot.