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Thursday, March 1, 2012

101 Happy People Project #1

Okay, so I am so excited! I finally got around to starting my 101 happy people project. This is how i keep the dollar bills on me at all times... With my phone! and it began with girl scout cookies! Thin mints to be exact! :)
So we were at the grocery store and decided to buy a box and wait for the 'perfect' person to walk through the door. Person after person walked by and we couldn't decide. after a while we decided to just give it to anybody, but the next two people who came out both said they couldnt eat sugar! It was getting harder then we thought to give away free cookies!
Finally we saw an oriental lady picking up plastic bottles in front, walking towards us! We could tell she didn't speak English, or not very well. We walked up to her and handed it to her and said, "Would you like some cookies for free?"
Her eyes lighting up were priceless. She looked at me so warmly. I can't get that moment out of my mind! Love it! Anyway, that wasn't even the best part! She smiled. And her smile was BEAUTIFUL! And the thing that got me was that, it wasn't a #1 dentist favorite smile, she had missing and rotting teeth. But it somehow was still beautiful. :D
Wow, this left me feeling SO good! I seriously love serving people!

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