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Friday, January 27, 2012


Life... Ya, it's a daunting, complicated thing. Every single person is given a life, and each one lives it out differently. But we can't look at life like something that has to be endured, but more like a gift that gets to be enjoyed. I created this blog to explain my thoughts to anyone listening, and hopefully get some reviews back.
I love the quote “Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.” ― Maya Angelou. I think that Maya captured the attitude that life should be approached with. There are too many in this world who don't prioritize correctly. They see it as a mission to gain as many earthly things as possible (ex: money, homes, boats, etc.) It is amazing that many wealthy, powerful, and respected people feel empty inside, like they are missing something. In reaction to this, trying to make that feeling disappear, they surround themselves with the meaningless things that money can buy, which only digs their hole deeper.
This is why it is important to remained fixed on our prize, and not get distracted, like a race horse with blinders on. Now we wonder what to focus on, or set as our prize. I, as well as over 14 million other member of my church (the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saint) know that the mission of life is to return to our Father in Heaven (God). In the book of Moses chapter 1 verse 39 God states, "Behold this is my work and my glory-to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man." If we then apply this to our own lives, God's greatest goal becomes ours, to return to and to be like Him. THIS is why we are here. It amazes me how many geniuses constantly wonder and struggle to find this answer, when I have been lucky enough to have my own testimony of it for my whole life. Lately, I have been feeling a very strong desire to share this treasured knowledge with someone, and I am grateful to have this opportunity to share this with you.
Ultimently, this is the reason rich and powerful people feel empty. It is because they are focusing in on the wrong prize, and as a matter of fact, in the long run, it's barely a prize at all. People say money can't buy happiness. OF COURSE IT DOES! The catch is its temporary happiness, and once that's gone, the empty, gaping hole is left in your heart. The true key to a happy life is through the love of our Heavenly Father and Savior, and the Savior's atonement for us.
With all of my love,

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