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Sunday, January 29, 2012

Positive attitudes

Lately I went through a time in my life where I ONLY thought negatives thoughts. I was just overwhelmed with school and all the pressure of everything, and so I stopped trying to be positive. Before, I had made a conscious decision to be positive, and when this happened, I just let the negativity wash over me (by the way, this is a BAD idea, don't try it at home).
But anyways, I was SO unhappy. An at first I couldn't figure out why. I never even thought that my attitude had that big of an effect on my life. Well, let me tell you first and foremost, IT DOES! Then I heard this quote, "the secret to having it all is believing that you do". This is so awesome! I pondered about it for a few days and within the next week I was totally back to being happy healthy Brooki! :)
Also, I love this story that I discovered later on:
There once was a woman who woke up with only 3 hairs on her head! "Well, "she said, " I think I'll wear my hair in a braid today!" So she did, and she had a fabulous day.
The next day she woke up with only 2 hairs on her head! "Hm," she said cheerfully, "I think I'll part my hair down the middle today!" And she did and had a great, great day!
The next day she woke up with only 1 hair on her head! "I think I'll wear my hair in a ponytail today!" So she did and had a fantastic day!
Finally, the next day she woke up with NO hairs on her head! "Yes!" She exclaimed,"I don't have to fix my hair today!

Sure love ya,

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