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Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Okay, so recently I had to write an essay for English on any moral quality type thing I choose. And I chose one of my favorite topics! Confidence! It's crazy that confidence can be interpreted so many different ways! Not only that, but also mistaken for so many other things as well! For example, I have struggled to distinguish between COCKINESS and CONFIDENCE. I think I figured it out. Confident people are humble at the same time, and always ready and willing to take others and build them up with them. On the other hand, cocky people are selfish and greedy. Overall, the main difference is confident people know where their talents came from, God.
Here is my essay (we were supposed to act like the quality is a person, as you can tell).
By Brooki
Confidence's story began when she was a mere child, no more than a little, bullied Insecurity. She was not content with how her life was going, so she faked Confidence until she became her. She discovered that when you believe you have it all, you, somewhere along the way, do. Now, Confidence wakes up every morning with a irresistibly contagious smile on her face. Her personality pours out grace from the start, with nothing but love flowing from her actions and words. She is not afraid to wear pajama pants to five star restaurants. But, sadly, she is often misunderstood for being cocky (to others who don't know her well), but she truly does care. The problem is, Confidence cares a lot, but simply does not put her valued self esteem in the hands of strangers, or even close friends. It is something she holds near and dear to her heart, that no one, not even her family is allowed to touch, for the fear that they would destroy some out of jealously.
Confidence walks tall, with her head held high, yet somehow does not ever look down on others. She loves the pungent smell of fresh orange juice in the morning. When she walks in the room, all heads turn because of the goodness and purity exuding, or radiating, off of her in waves. Her presence is as prominent as sandpaper rubbing against the skin. Her sense of style might be questionable to some, but overall, with her talent she can pull it off. Confidence builds, NEVER destroys. She has realized the joy that she feels when she is herself, and has made it one of highest goals to share her happiness with others.
Confidence's favorite drink is Gatorade, and she loves to slurp down a bottle after a victory in a sports game. Often times, her and her teammates with dump a whole gallon of it on their coach after an important win in a match. Her voice is as clear and prominent as fire alarm, and multiple times during the day she hears the soft thunder of footsteps behind her, following her leadership.
BE CONFIDENT. (not cocky)
Sure love you,
Brooki :)

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