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Friday, February 3, 2012

Cage fighting (Funny!)

Okay, so, while I am working out the details for my own 101 happy people project, I want to share this hilarious story with you!!

So, today in English class, we are talking about Balck History month and Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech. So, we are all supposed to think of our own dream. It could be personal (like getting a job and going to college) or for the country (like the USA's economy getting better) or it could be for the world (like world peace.

Then Ms. Lawler was asking us all to share our dreams (my dream is to be the frat woman president of the United States :) ). So she asked this girl (who sits in the WAY back, so maybe that's why she couldnt hear her too wel...) anyways, the girl says, "kids fighting" meaning to stop all fighting, prob under the category of world or USA.

And Ms Lawler thought she said CAGE FIGHTING! Lol! So, you could tell she was surprised and was trying not to embarrass this fashionista of a girl. And a group of guys started snickering (who wouldn't right?!)

But then ms lawler got all defensive, like, "there will be NO DREAM MAKING FUN OF IN MY CLASSROOM! Or you'll go straight to the Office!!!"

So, I was trying SUPER HARD not to laugh as my teacher listed five steps to become a pro cage fighter!!

Step 1: "get the courage to go in that cage and FIGHT! It's scary right?"
Step 2: "train and condition your body in the good shape"

(meanwhile the poor girl is blushing sooo bad and can't seem to work up the courage to tell her what she actually said! )

Step 3: "practice makes permanent"
Step 4: "get a manager"

This poor girl! We were laughing about it later though! :)

Hope this gave you a good laugh!!!!!
Have a great day!

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